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In the difficult days of the sanctions imposed by the world economy against our country, a project with various development fields was launched near the capital, and the preparations for the construction of a refinery with grain imports were scheduled by the Zar Industrial and Research Group in 2005. In November 2015, the first phase of the country’s first grain refinery was put into operation in the presence of the first vice president. Relying on the advantage of supply, production and distribution at the disposal of our country, this refinery is defined in such a way that it can now refine and provide the basic feed of tens of current and future sub-industrial units by processing thousands of tons of grain daily. Objectives and vision of the young managers and employees of this industrial group in order to implement their development plans to achieve a more worthy position in the world food industry and trade, the project of construction and operation of the largest complex of deep grain processing plants in the country with They have started the unique ability to access the rail transportation network with a capacity of 4 million tons per year, which includes production collections of starch, flour, gluten, industrial bread, corn syrup, pasta, cakes, cookies, biscuits, Sweets, chocolates, baby food, flaked cereals, cornflakes and animal feed will be available along with large storage silos. Prior to the production of semolina flour by Zar Flour Company, the country’s pasta industry, despite being aware of international standards for the use of semolina, used Null flour because it was not produced in Iran.