


By providing the most up-to-date facilities and production equipment and by applying the knowledge and expertise of the personnel, in 1401 Farhikhetgan Zarnam Industrial Research Group set up a site for the production of raw materials and pharmaceutical auxiliary materials, equipped with a clean room with GMP compliant conditions and to provide The raw materials required by the pharmaceutical industry are of the highest quality and obtained the licenses of the Food and Drug Organization.
Relying on the benefit of expert and young human capital, strategic geographical location, and strong infrastructure by pharmaceutical GMP, this company can now take a big step towards meeting the needs of the pharmaceutical industry by producing tens of tons of raw materials daily. This is a strategic industry.
The first output of this knowledge-based pharmaceutical company is a product called starch, which depending on the purpose required, is offered in raw form or with the changes made in it under the name of modified starch. Starch is the raw material of products such as fructose, glucose, and maltodextrin syrups.